I am David Yaffe, a Life and Mindset Coach based in Dublin, Ireland. I am committed to empowering individuals to think and act with confidence by guiding them to see life through a new lens—one that goes beyond the constraints of their upbringing and shapes a more impactful present. Together, we will unlock your potential and drive significant change in your life
My Story
A very common question I get asked is: what inspired you to become a Life Coach?
The unfortunate thing is that we are born to survive, and not necessarily to thrive. Most of us are fighting just to get through the day rather than from the day. The truth is, we grow more through adversity than we do in our comfort zone. For me, when I hit the lowest point in my life and had no more answers to solve my current issues and questions, I got lucky enough to connect with a fantastic life coach. In fact, I did not know he was a life coach. However, within minutes of talking with him, I got completely inspired and galvanised by his amazing ways of thinking and how he saw the world.
​What Happened Next?
I had so many epiphanies in these life coaching sessions that, inevitably, my own thinking started to change. I started to free myself from my old voice, the one I knew and listened to the most - and the one that had held me back! I started to see life through a different and much more powerful lens. Life coaching is not for everyone, only those who are open to change and who are willing to continue to work on their education and build on their progress. For me, this education was utterly transformative. As I watched the positive changes beginning to manifest in my life, I asked myself how I could use this education to help others. If I could offer this life-transforming experience to someone else, I would get an exceptional pay-off by watching them grow just like I did. So I drew on my life experiences, along with various courses taken with subjects that included psychology and Buddhism, and added this knowledge to my own life coaching course.
​What I Offer To Clients.
What I offer my clients is one-to-one, focused tuition with weekly tools/strategies aimed at achieving measurable goals. We will discuss your main aim/s at the first session. After this, the course is built around strengthening your own self-awareness in order to help you identify your blocks and how to overcome them. You are your own greatest asset in this life and my goal is help you realise this and to make the most of your unique and individual strengths. You will thereafter become your own Life Coach...and this is where the real magic begins!
My Qualifications:
QQI Level 6 Coaching Models of Practice award
Part of a new QQI special purpose award (6S3153) in Life and Workplace Coaching
Landmark Forum
Landmark Advanced Course
Landmark Integrity Seminar
Landmark Commitment Seminar
Contact Me
Please send me an email outlining any challenges, obstacles, or issues you are encountering.