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Reframing Happiness: Shifting Focus from What We Want to What We Already Have

Writer's picture: Coach David YaffeCoach David Yaffe

woman breathing in nature happy and gratful
Breath Of Life

In our pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves tethered to a seemingly endless cycle of desires. The belief that acquiring something new - whether it be a job, a car, or a house - will bring us happiness becomes ingrained in our minds. However, have you ever paused to consider that true contentment might lie in appreciating what we already possess?

If you were to compile a list of things that make you happy, chances are it would be filled with items you currently lack. It's a common trend to focus on what we desire rather than acknowledging the abundance already present in our lives. Those very possessions you once longed for were once part of that list of unattainable wants.

When we finally obtain something we've yearned for, the elation is often short-lived. The initial rush of happiness gives way to a new set of aspirations, propelling us back into the cycle of seeking more to satisfy our cravings. However, could it be that our fixation on what we lack is what blocks our path to true contentment?

Instead of fixating on what we lack, perhaps we should redirect our focus towards cherishing what we already possess. This shift in perspective can lead us to a state of gratitude and satisfaction, acknowledging that our present circumstances were once dreams of the past. By embracing the concept of 'being okay' without being reliant on external acquisitions, we can break free from the constraints of perpetual desire and find solace in the simplicity of what we already have.

Let's take a moment to reflect on the blessings that currently adorn our lives. It could be the warmth of a loving family, the comfort of a familiar routine, or the joy of shared moments with friends. These intangible treasures often go unnoticed in the shadow of material cravings.

Remember, happiness isn't a final destination reached only by acquiring more possessions; it's a mindset cultivated by gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. By reframing our approach to happiness, we can break free from the confines of perpetual wants and embrace the richness of what already surrounds us.

Let us strive to find contentment not in the pursuit of what we desire but in the realization of the abundance that already graces our lives. Let us find happiness by shifting focus from what we want to what we already have.

We all only have approximately one minute to live. By taking a breath, it resets that sometimes unappreciated opportunity to live simply because its automated.

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