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Welcome to Short Nuggets!
Here, you'll find brief snippets of information to spark your thinking and imagination.
Its not the moment in front of you that is bothering you, it's you bothering yourself about the moment in front of you.
If you spend 100 hours a year in any discipline, which is only 18 minutes a day. You will be better than 95% of the world in that discipline.
You are always alone, but you are only lonely if you don't like the person you are with.
Your connection with other people can be no greater than the connection with yourself.
In any relationship where two people become one, the end result is two halves.​
People tend to get stuck in life because when faced with challenges they build walls instead of bridges.
You are only defined by your past if you choose to be.​
Reasons come first, answers come second.
Discipline is sacrificing the life you want to live right now for the life you want to live later.
The only limits you have are the limits you believe.
If failure is not an option, them neither is success.
Poor health starts in the mind.
The most valuable asset we have is time but the biggest mistake we make is thinking we have time.
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